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Jenna Dewan Tatum Opens Up About Her Not-So-Perfect Marriage

Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum are a lot of things; genetically blessed, irrefutably talented, the list goes on and on. But there’s one quality the couple are adamant they’re not:


“I despise the word ‘perfect,’” the mum-of-one recently told Health.

“When people say you guys have such a perfect life, I want to scream and tell them no one’s perfect.”

Instead, she credits their relationship of eleven years as simply a “great fit.” 

“It is a great fit as long as you are growing together, and I think up until this point we’ve really grown together. Even if one starts to grow, the other catches up and vice versa.”

The 36-year-old also admits that a healthy marriage requires constant fine-tuning.

“I think a couple needs to be conscious and to want to do the work and be willing to look at the parts of you that need work,” she explained. “Both of us have been pretty aware and willing to do that.” 

“We’ve always had the same values. But we’re not perfect! Are you kidding?”

“We fight like other couples, we disagree about things, we have days where we don’t really like each other,” she added.

And when it comes to keeping the spark alive, Jenna believes quality time is key.  

“We have not yet scheduled sex, but we do schedule time together, so maybe that is sort of scheduling sex,” she said. 

“We will go away for a weekend to get time, but we have no real regimented schedule. I have friends that do this [schedule sex]; it’s on the calendar. We’ve never done that – it might actually be a good idea.”

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