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Suicide: signs point right

Even if the number of suicides in Germany is declining, the death by suicide continues to be a serious Problem in Germany. Particularly dramatic: About ten percent of the Suicide victims are younger than 30 years. On the occasion of the world suicide Prevention day on 10. September 2019 and clarifies the Foundation of health knowledge: What can be the signs of a planned suicide? And how you can help those Affected in an emergency?

A self-murder did not know, according to the Foundation for Health is always something to do from the outside, apparent problems or difficult life circumstances. Affected can also be people whom it supposedly all goes well, the have plenty of money and intact families, or succeed in professional life. The largest proportion of suicides is committed by people with mental illness, such as depression. As a cause of Depression, various factors come into question, such as an inherited tendency or long-lasting, severe Stress.

Often the scope is underestimated: So the Depression is not uncommon with "Stimmungsschwanken" or "Stimmungstief" set equal to. People with depression have a greater risk that, as a result of the disease, suicidal thoughts occur. That is why it is so important to interpret the signs correctly. Possible Warznzeichen for suicide are:

  • Complete withdrawal from social relationships and from the outside world
  • Feeling of worthlessness
  • Strong sense of hopelessness regarding their own future
  • Aggressive Behavior
  • Thoughts of suicide are openly
  • Phase of “rest” after the previous signs of suicide

Where can I contact in case of emergency?

Suicide expressed thoughts that can friends and relatives help, that professional help is sought, by making, for example, a contact to a doctor or to take appointments. If you are unsure how to proceed, can contact members of the social-psychiatric service. A further point of contact is the pastoral care, the telephone: on the telephone numbers 0800-1110111 and 0800-1110222 patients and their family members to get help immediately. The Hotline is open 24 hours a day, anonymously and free of charge. The telephone helpline also offers advice via E-Mail or Chat .

In case of doubt, members can call the emergency services (112). Because acute signs for suicide are just as much an emergency as an acute physical illness.


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