Health News

Tragic incident in Valencia: woman dies after dinner in the Nobel Restaurant

A day after a woman and her family in a posh Restaurant in Valencia to evening ate, she died. Other visitors complained about health problems.

The “reef” is the oldest star Eatery in the Spanish city of Valencia – but the owner Bernd H. Knöller will satisfy no palate. The had to close his Shop now, because the Restaurant is associated with a death in the Spanish local newspaper “El Periodico Mediterraneo,” reported.

The reason: A 46-year-old woman, her husband and 12-year-old son took last Saturday for a tasting menu. A day later, the woman was dead. The family of three took alongside other dishes, a rice dish with morels – which should have been bad.

The health authority investigated the Restaurant

After the visit to the luxury Restaurant, all three had to contend with violent Nausea. In the case of the son, and the husband of the dead, the discomfort increased, however, after a short period of time. However, the symptoms of the 46-Year-old not to. Until she died on Sunday in her apartment.

As investigators found out, suffered from several of the guests after a visit to the Restaurant to Nausea and stomach complaints. The health authority called on the Plan to investigate the “reef”. The previous results indicate no defects, close. However, the investigator does not have all of the food samples analyzed.

Until the case is resolved, the “reef” is closed. Restaurant-owner, Bernd H. Knöller said in an opinion that he is cooperating with the authorities. He also wrote: “Regardless of the reasons, which could have caused this Situation, I would like to Express my deep Regret about what happened and hope that all these facts can be resolved in the near future.”