Kids Health

How to communicate with a child without crying?

Raising children is a rather delicate matter, requiring a certain approach and patience. Indeed, often when children grow up, the wall of misunderstanding also creeps up in a geometrical progression. The child takes offense at the fact that his interests are not taken into account and do not fulfill his requests, and the parents are perplexed why the child is naughty and snarls when he is given so much attention and care. From here insults and quarrels.

Today, unfortunately, in most families, the atmosphere is hot. Everyone insists on his own and can not stop. Who needs to give up? Of course, adults, because of their age, they must be smarter. It is important for parents to make the first wise step towards a small inexperienced child.

Ever since childhood, the man was imparted with bad parental traits, screaming at the child, teaching and taking care of, which he transferred with great pleasure to his child. Once he was put in a corner, it means he will grow up and take revenge, but already in his own child. When communicating with a child, the parent often utters rubber phrases without thinking about their meaning for a growing maturing child.

But it is only necessary to change tactics and try to find a common language with your child, breaking all stereotypes and then everything will definitely turn out, raise a child and be a friend for him, and not an aggressor.

There are a number of recommendations that will help in solving these issues and improve the atmosphere in the house.

It is worth trying not to shout, but to talk in a whisper.
Whispers are a great substitute for shouts and screams. When an adult person screams, the child does not perceive what is being said and resists even more, and does not obey, because the child reacts to intonation, and he will not react adequately if he is communicated with raised voices. The child will listen and understand when they talk to him calmly. And whispers will be of interest, as if they are saying something important that cannot be said out loud. The result will please, as there will be mutual understanding.

Avoid parasitic words.
Often, such words are carried from childhood, their parents spoke and, willy-nilly, they are pulled out of their mouths by chance. Suppose the phrase – “i will go, and you stay.” In a child, it is associated with betrayal, fear sets in, and the child obeys. These words greatly affect the psyche of the baby. Or the phrase – “i will do everything myself, do not bother me.” Baby understands this as something that he is not capable of anything. Over time, these repeated phrases can turn into indifference to everything and not wanting to do something and work. The phrase “i told you so” means that he is once again pointed out to his mistakes. Instead of supporting him, his parents put themselves higher, and you just need to help him understand what he did wrong. Well, the words “come on faster” do not motivate a child, but rather cause stress. Therefore, do not be nervous and rush the child, but give him time or help make it faster. When a child cries, do not tell him that this is nothing and should not cry, but you need to hug and support.

Do not use the word “no.”
This word is associated in a child with a number of negative emotions, so it is worth changing it. There is an opportunity to try to use the phrase “maybe” or “see”, then the baby will have hope. Suppose you say that if the child removes the toys in the room, then he will go for a walk or eat the soup and afterwards receive sweets. Then the child will have a sense of responsibility for their actions. But there are undeniable prohibitions that need to be explained to his child, why they cannot be implemented, and then there will be harmony and mutual understanding in the family.

And do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness, because parents are not saints, they also make mistakes. Because of this, they will not fall in the eyes of the child and will not lose credibility, but on the contrary will teach the child to behave correctly in all situations.

Raising a child is a whole science that needs to be studied and first of all be smarter and try to understand your child so that there is a positive and friendly atmosphere in the house.