Personal Health

Postnatal Depression affects men too

Mothers and fathers can develop after the birth of their child equally to a Depression, but it is usually only recognized in women. A survey of 406 British adults showed that men are perceived with a postnatal Depression in the Public.

The results of the study are a good example of how role is also played by the perception of Suffering, of thinking influenced by: The test case studies of mothers were presented to individuals and paternal post-Natal depression. They were then asked whether they are of the opinion that "something wrong ist". Independent of the own gender of the respondents was not suspected of men to 76 percent, that little voice, in women, in contrast, to 97 percent. The probability that the Online respondents symptoms of Depression in new mums discovered, was almost twice as high as in the case of the fathers.

Also, the test persons perceived the burden in men was significantly lower and were of the view that the case is easier to treat. They went out for men, rather, that such as Stress or fatigue are the cause of the complaint: Despite of the case studies with the same symptoms for men and women, Stress was suspected in 21% of cases for men and only 0.5 percent for women as the cause of the problem.

The frequency of post-Natal Depression is for mothers between 6 and 13 percent of fathers between 8 to 11 percent. Nevertheless, mental health problems diagnosed in fathers after the birth of your child less often, and treated.

The first author of the study, viruses, Swami was unaware of the problem up with him, even after the birth of his son, a fault was diagnosed. As a result, he wanted to find out why many people think so. "It is clear that much more can be done to have a better understanding of the fathers to be sufficient post-Natal Depression, so people it is not easy as fatigue or Stress abtun", so Swami.