Personal Health

These foods have wrongly has a bad reputation

Many food have in the public opinion have a bad reputation. What is the prejudice against cereal, coffee and milk?

Cereals: on average eats every German four slices of bread per day. Women consume an average of almost disc less. But how healthy is the cereal consumption? Grain products provide carbohydrates and dietary fiber – important materials, which cover the energy demand. Experts recommend in the case of bread, cake or cereal, however, in principle, to select whole-grain products. Wheat and rye contain Gluten, which can lead in susceptible persons to digestive problems. Whole grain contains more fiber, vitamins and minerals as foods made from white flour and is thus, among other things, better for digestion. In addition to whole grain products, potatoes, legumes, vegetables, fruits and nuts are also important in the world of fiber suppliers.

Coffee: coffee is first and foremost a source of enjoyment and not a thirst quencher. The caffeine is stimulating and invigorating. According to a Harvard study, moderate coffee reduces seizures, the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Adults should not drink more than three to four cups a day. As a General rule: better to sugar without.

Milk: milk and milk products provide readily available Protein, Vitamin B2 and Calcium. Regular consumption of yoghurt, Quark or cheese supports bone health. In addition, the consumption of dairy products reduces the risk for colon cancer. Current findings also suggest that approximately 150 g of yogurt or Kefir per day could reduce the risk for Diabetes. Critics warn, however, before the dairy products derived from cows from mass animal husbandry. These may contain residues of antibiotics, pus, and pesticides.

If so, the next hungry: The food is considering select.

Sources: German society for nutrition e. V., Federal Ministry of food and agriculture