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Bib training exercises to do at home

Chest training helps tone the shoulders, arms, and back: improves posture and helps, especially women, to tone the breast.

few minutes a day are enough, even at home, with a pinch of constancy and the results are guaranteed. Chest training helps tone the shoulders, arms, and back: improves posture and helps, especially women, to tone the breast, making it taller and firmer.

Bib training to do at home

Study, work or family commitments, but also financial resources. Although valid, they are the main reasons for postponing the registration in the gym. It thus becomes impossible to be able to train with more or less continuity under the attentive eye of a professional, using modern and functional tools and (why not?) Making new friends and relationships.

The solution, however, exists training at home, focusing on a series of exercises for the bibs of various types. How to train your bibs at home? The answer to this question cannot be separated from understanding, first of all, which winstrol injection for sale is best suited to our body and the results we want to achieve.

As part of the training for bibs to be done at home, the exercises to prefer are mainly push-ups. Push-ups represent one of the simplest and most effective exercises to train your pectoral muscles. The important thing is to be able to keep the body straight, avoiding to arch your butt up, an error that would make the whole exercise vain. Rather, when doing push-ups the position to be assumed involves lying face down, placing your hands with your palms open on the floor (precisely below the shoulders). And again, a straight line must form between the shoulders and the heels.

The exercises to do to train the bibs

Here are the most suitable exercises for chest training:

  • push-ups with wide arms: the canonical, but above all correct, position of this exercise involves keeping the hands as perpendicular as possible to the shoulders; in this way not only do you help the pectorals to develop, but it also affects the muscles of the arms, allowing an improvement of the entire upper body. The wide-arm variant is recommended for the more experienced;
  • push-ups with raised feet: it is preferable to try this exercise – the more “extreme” version of traditional push-ups – when you have become practical. In this case, the arms and the upper part of the body must be positioned as in traditional push-ups, while the tips of the feet must be positioned above a rise (a chair or an armchair, for example). So we start with the push-ups;
  • push-ups on the wall: at home push-ups can be done anywhere: positioned one step away from the wall, you have to lean on your hands, keeping the width of your shoulders and making a series of push-ups with your arms. Warning: the further you move away from the wall the more the difficulty (but also the effectiveness) of the exercise increases.

Even the stretching is an exercise, and should not be underestimated. It is essential, after training, to stretch and relax the muscles that have worked.

Bib training: benefits for women too

Specific and targeted chest training is also recommended for women, as it is able to tone the entire bust and breast. Performing the exercises correctly and consistently will help to show firmer shapes and to combat the annoying fall effect that occurs with age, in order to give the décolleté a toned and radiant appearance … to scream!