Beware of the daily intake of Aspirin
Doctors warned now to prevent that if healthy people take a daily Aspirin, and possible heart attacks, this will give you more damage could be considered. By the ingestion of dangerous internal bleeding can occur. The risk of serious internal bleeding outweighed the Benefits of Aspirin in patients without a history of heart disease significantly.
The scientists of the King’s College London found in their current study that the daily intake of Aspirin for the prevention of heart disease can lead to internal bleeding. The experts published the results of their study in the English journal “the Journal of the American Medical Association” (JAMA).
Taking Aspirin for heart diseases?
Aspirin is a pain reliever and a blood thinner. The drug is administered for decades, people with diagnosed heart disease to prevent heart attacks and strokes. In addition, many healthy people take a middle-aged Aspirin as a hedge against possible heart problems. The experts at the King’s College London-led study shows, however, that Aspirin should no longer be used for primary prevention.
Risk of internal bleeding increased by Aspirin to 42 percent
The researchers found that the use of Aspirin in healthy people reduces the risk of a heart attack or a stroke by 11 percent. The risk of internal bleeding increased by 42 percent. This means that 265 people had to occupy for five years, are taking Aspirin to prevent a single heart attack or stroke. One of 210 people, but would develop strong bleeding. “This study shows that there is insufficient evidence to support the routine use of Aspirin in the prevention of heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular deaths in people without cardiovascular-disease,” explains study author Dr. Sean Zheng from the King’s College London in a press release.
How does the taking in people with Diabetes
If patients with Diabetes had a higher risk for heart disease, Aspirin revenue, was reduced, according to the researchers the risk of heart attack or stroke by eleven percent, however, the risk of bleeding increased by 30 percent.
Aspirin protects against cancer?
In other studies, scientists at Harvard University found that middle-aged people who regularly take painkillers, become ill, apparently, less likely to cancer of any kind. They noted that Aspirin is particularly effective to prevent cancers of the digestive system. People, which had taken six years of daily Aspirin, showed a 19 percent reduced risk for colorectal cancer. Such aspects should be in the risk-Benefit assessment is taken into account.
What people should take daily Aspirin?
The regular use of Aspirin requires a conversation between the patient and his doctor, with all sorts of potential cardiovascular disease must be weighed the benefits against the actual risk of major bleeding. Experts are concerned that people are taking Aspirin, without the side-effects aware of the internal bleeding can lead. If you have had a heart attack, get your doctor usually taking a daily aspirin dose to prevent a second heart attack. In this case, the Benefits (reduced risk of a second life-threatening heart attack) outweighs the risk of side effects (such as bleeding). (as)