As much as we’d like it to be flowers and romance all the time, every relationship is bound to hit a rough patch at one point or another.
Be it before marriage, after having kids, or later on when the nest is empty.
We lead such busy lives, it’s only natural that our partnership can get a little strained.
But thankfully a relationship expert has shared her top tip for helping couples reconnect in times of struggle.
And it’s actually really simple.
Psychologist Belinda Williams suggests using ‘micro-moments’.
What is a micro-moment?
Belinda explains how before kids, intimacy has time to grow – couples lounge on the couch, hold hands in the car or merely sit and listen to music together.
But this can all go out the window when there’s a little one to look after.
The solution? Bring back that intimacy in short, five-minute blocks.
"It doesn’t have to be big chunks of time for it to be impactful to your relationship," Belinda told Kidspot .
"Micro moments are really taking the smallest of opportunities to connect.
"I encourage couples to find the smallest opportunity to signal to each other that they care and love one another – it may be ensure a proper greeting and farewell, a quick cuddle as you pass in the hallway, holding hands as you fall asleep, saying I love you face to face, an expression of gratitude or a small gift like their favourite tea."
She added: "The main principle is that if we wait for opportunities of grand gestures, it often means that this is unattainable or too long between opportunities for connection.
"So take what you can get. Make the most of the small moments."
Does it really work?
Kidspot writer Bek Day, applied the micro-moment idea to her own relationship.
Despite not having had any problems or arguments, her husband had recently told her he was feeling disconnected.
Bek and her partner tried putting the principle into action and were delighted to discover it worked.
"I’m embarrassed to admit that I set a reminder in my phone, each day, to remind me to snuggle up with Mike on the couch and tell him how much I loved him after our son was in bed," she said.
"But you know what? It worked."
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Bek and Mike also found success by making their ‘hellos’ longer, switching quick pecks for a 30-second hug.
According to Bek this helped make their spark come shooting back.
She added: "It turns out those micro-moments really add up after all."
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