While it may look like an innocent photo of a young boy sleeping, a mum claims this snap actually reveals a “huge red flag” for his naughty behaviour.
Melody Yazdani posted a photo of little Kian on Facebook last year where mums everywhere were shocked at the discovery.
She told her followers her son’s behaviour began to get worst last year until a simple clue showed her there was a little bit more to it.
According to The Mirror, the mum posted it to help other parents which could “change their lives”.
Her Facebook post read: “All parents. If you have a child, I'm going to tell you something you need to know that you have probably never heard. And please share this.
"There is a huge red flag in the picture I am sharing with this story. Do you see it?"
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The mum went on to explain how last year her son, Kian, who is now eight, started getting behavioural reports at school.
He didn’t have any problems at first and was always “intelligent, feisty and extremely active”, so Melody was stunned when teachers told her he was “having a hard time controlling his body”.
With new systems in place at school, his behaviour improved – but at home, things got worse.
Melody continued: “Every morning it's tantrum after tantrum, before we even get out of bed. Hitting and throwing things, and the screaming. All the screaming. Starting at 5am every morning.
"We were at a loss – how did he become this way, what could we have done different?"
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Kian went to see a therapist, who recommended ADHD testing, then lightening struck when Melody found an article about the condition.
She found a link between ADHD and the way her son Kian was sleeping.
She wrote: “Children should not breathe through their mouths. Not while awake, not while asleep. Never.
"Mouth breathing is not normal and has long term consequences for health. I'll repeat, because this is important – mouth breathing is not normal, not during the day or at night.
"When a child breathes through their mouth, their brain (and body) is not getting enough oxygen. At night, this lowered oxygen saturation is detrimental to the quality of sleep and their brain's ability to get enough rest."
Melody listed other problems mouth breathing can cause before explaining that sleep deprivation in children and ADHD have the “exact same symptoms”.
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Kian was diagnosed with sleep apnea and sinusitis.
The mum explained: “He got exactly 0 minutes of REM sleep during the first study, and oxygen saturation in the low 80%, and his sinuses were 90% blocked.
"We had no idea that Kian had a headache daily, but it was just his normal so he never thought to tell us."
Melody noticed an “immediate change” when Kian’s tonsils and adenoids were removed, breathing through his nose when he came out of surgery.
She concluded: “We have seen a complete 180 in behaviour. No more angry tantrums, no more fixation on little OCD things, it's been an enormous change.
"Here's why I am sharing: No one, in my 12 years of parenting, ever told me any of this. All the signs were there, right in front of our eyes, and I had no clue."
To read Melody’s full post, click here.
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