Health News

Why ‘Grounding’ Needs To Be Part Of Your Daily Routine

Have you ever heard someone talk about being grounded? And no, I don’t mean the form of punishment some of us (and by some, I mean myself) became a little too familiar with as a rebellious teenager. Are you grounded? How can it affect you if you’re not, and why is it even important?

You may be thinking that you’re naturally in your body and gravity has you connected to the earth. Well…yes and no! 

Grounding is basically balancing out the spiritual and physical energy in your body, by connecting yourself with the earth. When you are grounded, you feel like you are here, in the physical, in the present. To be grounded gives your energy a point of steadiness and you will feel clear, centered, strong and focused.  

Unfortunately, most people are unaware that they are ungrounded, and just carry on trying to survive each day. As a society, we are fast becoming disconnected from ourselves due to technology and being busy “doing” rather than “being”, that we have lost touch. Some people are thinkers, not feelers, so you are in your head more than you are in your body. You think about your feelings rather than feel them. 

If you are ungrounded, you may lack focus/be easily distracted, feel spacey/scattered/anxious and be easily affected by what’s going on around you (especially other people’s energy or mood). You may experience feeling physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually drained, or suffer from inflammation, poor sleep, chronic pain, fatigue or poor circulation.

If you answered yes to any of the above and want to improve your health and wellbeing, it’s a good idea to try these easy and practical ways to ground yourself. 


Moving/exercising your physical body is a great way to bring you into the present. Instead of sitting, stressing or focusing on the past/wondering about the future, get up and get moving.  Try walking, running, yoga, tai chi, weights, an exercise class – (outdoors in nature is an added bonus!) anything which brings you back into your body in the present moment.


Earthing allows a transfer of negatively charged electrons from the Earth’s surface into the body. These electrons neutralise positively charged free radicals that cause chronic inflammation. An excess of free radicals damages our cell membranes and DNA, leading to cancer and other diseases. Because earthing has shown to reduce blood viscosity (thickness) and inflammation, it has the potential to support cardiovascular health as well as improve immune response, reduce emotional stress and elevate moods to name a few.

All you need to do is find some sand/grass/dirt, take your shoes off and go for a walk to allow the earth’s energy to nourish and restore your body’s energy. Remember – no concrete or shoes allowed!


Crystals are a great tool to use to ground your energy. It is best to carry them in a trouser/jacket/skirt pocket (ladies you can even use your bra). A small tumbled stone is ideal to carry with you. You must remember to cleanse your chosen crystal for this purpose before using it. Crystals that can be used for grounding include Red jasper (most jaspers are good as grounders) Bloodstone, Hematite, Gold tigers eye, Carnelian, Garnet, Pyrite, Amber.

Grounding Tree Meditation: 

Find somewhere quiet to sit/stand, preferably barefoot, with your feet flat on the earth. Taking deep breaths, focus on the feeling of the ground beneath you. Picture your feet growing roots, which extend all the way down into the centre of the earth. Breathe in deep from your roots, from the soles of your feet. Pull in the energy the earth has to offer, gaining nourishment from it.

Allow the energy to spread throughout your body and allow your stress to be released from the crown of your head. Raise your arms and imagine long branches, which stretch all the way up to the warmth of the sun.

Allow the earth and the sun to strengthen your spirit and relax your mind. You can stay in this meditation for as long as you like, and open your eyes whenever you feel ready to do so.

These simple steps work best when done regularly, and will keep you feeling and functioning at your best. Who wouldn’t want that?  

Alexis Hamer is a personal trainer and wellness practitioner who specialises in a variety of holistic stress relief therapies including Kinergetics, Reiki and mindfulness classes. You can find out more about her work here. 

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