Tag: Bacteria
Testing how well water disinfectants damage antibiotic resistance genes
Microgels let medical implants fight off bacteria: Implants coated in microgel flecks could be key to reducing surgical infections
Improper removal of personal protective equipment contaminates health care workers: Errors cause spread of drug-resistant bacteria
Antibiotic resistance is spreading from wastewater treatment plants
Peptide derived from fungi kills TB bacteria
Aldi is expanding its sausage-recall – Listeria-pathogens discovered
Mystical disease X – As this unknown disease in the future, to the dangerous world threat will be?
How a certain bacterium communicates and makes us sick
High-fat diets do no favors for your gut bacteria
Attention diarrhea pathogens: urgent recall due to Salmonella exposure in a popular Sausage
Health hazard: This common toilet-errors happen every day on the toilet
How dietary fiber and gut bacteria protect the cardiovascular system
Beware of food poisoning: In this food you should prefer not!
Warning food poisoning: foods you should avoid!
Pathogen predicament: How bacteria propel themselves out of a tight spot
Against resistance: highly effective, natural antibiotic from wasp venom won
Immune cells sacrifice themselves to protect us from invading bacteria
Garlic could treat Lyme disease
Interaction between immunity and gut bacteria influences aging
How mitochondria deploy a powerful punch against life-threatening bacteria
Study finds probiotic bacillus eliminates staphylococcus bacteria
Gram-negative bacteria increase mortality, vasopressor use and ICU admission
Periodontal disease bacteria may kick-start Alzheimer’s
Ciprofloxacin has dramatic effects on the mitochondrial genome: Antibiotics should be used cautiously
Fecal microbiota transplantation helps restore beneficial bacteria in cancer patients
Team discovers link between cold severity, bacteria living in your nose
Ditch that probiotic pot, get your friendly bacteria from SAUERKRAUT
Colon cancer is caused by bacteria and cell stress