Tag: gain

Black health activists gain momentum from pandemic and build on history

Brain imaging can predict childhood weight gain

Falling asleep with the light or TV on could lead to weight gain

Comfort food leads to more weight gain during stress

Does Cymbalta (duloxetine) cause weight gain or weight loss?

Tarragon supplements may make healthy women gain weight

Study finds that a lifestyle intervention may mitigate PFAS-related weight gain

No pain, no gain? It’s not the way.

How to beat the ‘freshman five’ weight gain

Weight gain after smoking cessation linked to increased short-term diabetes risk

Making weight: Ensuring that micro preemies gain pounds and inches

With a detailed cell atlas of the mouse brain, scientists gain a new view into the brain’s diversity

Can IUDs cause weight gain and what are the side effects?

Abnormal lipid metabolism in fat cells predicts future weight gain and diabetes in women