Tag: genes

How many people carry rare disease genetic risk variants?

Scientists find missing-in-action MS genes

Researchers Find Link Between Erectile Dysfunction And Men’s Genes

Ciprofloxacin has dramatic effects on the mitochondrial genome: Antibiotics should be used cautiously

Three New Genes Linked to Chronic Back Pain

Back pain may be in your DNA: Discomfort is driven by gene mutations

How bacteria play pass the parcel — and help each other evade antibiotics

A first step toward cracking the genetics of strabismus: A mysterious variant on chromosome 21, in patients with esotropia, is the first to be linked to common strabismus

Stray proteins cause genetic disorders: Misaddressed proteins are mislocalized, with possibly fatal consequences for the cell

Scientists discover how RNA regulates genes in embryo that affect seizure susceptibility

Switching DNA and RNA on and off

Key protein involved in the development of autism discovered

How to make the gene-editing tool CRISPR work even better

Single-cell RNA profiling

Is Getting Your Genome Screened at a Doctor's Appointment a Good Idea?

Mutation ‘hotspots’ in DNA: Research could lead to new insights on cancer risks

Imaging in living cells reveals how ‘junk DNA’ switches on a gene: Video shows DNA enhancers finding and activating a target gene in a living cell

Genetic study reveals genes associated with propensity for loneliness and social leanings

‘I Had My Genes Tested To Determine My Diet – Here’s What Happened.’

DARPA Wants to Boost Your Body's Defenses ― By 'Tuning' Your Genes

Broken shuttle may interfere with learning in major brain disorders

Genetic variation in progesterone receptor tied to prematurity risk

DNA enzyme shuffles cell membranes a thousand times faster than its natural counterpart

‘Clever genes’ may also lead to autism, anorexia and bipolar

Blood signature could improve early TB diagnosis

Reviving the protector: New tactic against medulloblastoma: Targeting methyl-DNA binding protein in MB animal model

How just drops of viper venom pack a deadly punch: Scientists inventory glycans in venoms of South American vipers

Genes found related to the reduction of proteins that contribute to Alzheimer’s onset