Tag: Health Policy

When physicians integrate with hospitals, costs go up

Waist size is a forgotten factor in defining obesity: Waist size is just as important as BMI in defining obesity-related health risks

Investigators incorporate randomized trial within dialysis care delivery: Trial examines potential benefit of longer dialysis sessions

Low hand hygiene compliance in ICUs

Higher lead in topsoil boosts probability of cognitive difficulties in 5-year-old boys

Mandatory pre-season guidelines reduce heat illness among high school football players

Nurse work environments linked to outcomes

Exposure to chemical in Roundup increases risk for cancer, study finds

Push-up capacity linked with lower incidence of cardiovascular disease events among men

Turning desalination waste into a useful resource: Process could turn concentrated brine into useful chemicals, making desalination more efficient

‘Bug bombs’ are ineffective killing roaches indoors: Also leave behind toxic residue

Removing sweets from checkouts linked to dramatic fall in unhealthy snack purchases

Average outpatient visit in US approaching $500

Villagers follow the geology to safer water in Bangladesh

Does the US discard too many transplantable kidneys?

Protecting against vaccine administration injury

Securing access to optimal cancer care through innovation, integration and sustainability

People who commute through natural environments daily report better mental health: This association is even stronger among active commuters

Globally, greater attention needed for seemingly ‘minor’ kidney damage

Study of 21 retired NFL and NHL players doesn’t find evidence of early onset dementia: UB researchers compared retired Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres players to non-contact sport athletes

Vaping draws strong support — from bots: A team’s study of Twitter posts found both robots and real human underplay the health risks associated with e-cigarettes.

Medicaid expansion boosts employment: Individuals with disabilities saw greater working rates in expansion states

Low-cost formulas in the manufacturing of non-stick food molds

Lifetime sentence: Incarcerated parents impact youth behavior: Unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, sex and alcohol abuse

It’s official — spending time outside is good for you

More than 8 million babies born from IVF since the world’s first in 1978: European IVF pregnancy rates now steady at around 36 percent, according to ESHRE monitoring

By 2035 over 4 million adults will be morbidly obese across England, Wales, and Scotland

Each hour of delay in detecting abnormal lactates in patients with sepsis increases the odds of in-hospital death: Earlier lactate measurements correlate with quicker treatment with antibiotics and better outcomes