Recovery of cardiovascular function in spinal-cord-injured people sustained following epidural stimulation training 09/18/2018 Health Problems
Flu shot rates in clinics drop as day progresses, but nudges help give them a boost 09/14/2018 Health Problems
BPA exposure in U.S.-approved levels may alter insulin response in non-diabetic adults 09/14/2018 Health Problems
To flee or not to flee: How the brain decides what to do in the face of danger 09/12/2018 Health Problems
New hope for PKDL patients in Africa as clinical trial aims to make treatment safer and easier 09/12/2018 Health Problems
Significant amount of cancer-causing chemicals stays in lungs during e-cigarette use, researchers find 09/11/2018 Health News
Scientists block RNA silencing protein in liver to prevent obesity and diabetes in mice 09/10/2018 Health Problems
Discovering the ancient origin of cystic fibrosis, the most common genetic disease in Caucasians 09/07/2018 Personal Health