Despite mutations in makona Ebola virus, disease consistent in mice, monkeys 05/08/2018 Health Problems
Novel techniques for three-dimensional visualization of microscopic structures in the human brain 05/08/2018 Health Problems
New study links strong pupillary light reflex in infancy to later autism diagnosis 05/08/2018 Health News
Researchers find link between crystal methamphetamine and immune changes in HIV 05/04/2018 Health News
Press release links rise in aggressive brain tumours to mobile phones, but study doesn’t 05/04/2018 Health Problems
Cognitive remediation can be implemented in large systems of psychiatric care 05/04/2018 Health Problems
Brain stimulation reduces suicidal thinking in people with hard-to-treat depression 05/03/2018 Health Problems
Pioneering paper shows infection control and prevention in clinics is in everyone’s hands 05/03/2018 Health Problems
Earthquake aftermath: Life-threatening blood clots in legs and lungs from sitting in cars for extended periods 05/03/2018 Health Problems
Patients get faster life-saving treatment in states with policies allowing direct transport to heart hospitals 05/01/2018 Health Problems
Computers equal radiologists in assessing breast density and associated breast cancer risk 05/01/2018 Health Problems
State-of-the-art HIV drug could curb HIV transmission, improve survival in India 04/30/2018 Health News