Tag: infants

The ‘supercells’ that cured an infant’s grave genetic illness

Study highlights RSV burden on infants in Nicaragua

Discovered: The mechanism that makes infants more likely than adults to die from sepsis

How Much Do Babies’ Skulls Get Squished During Birth? A Whole Lot, 3D Images Reveal

Early term infants less likely to breastfeed

New study finds high rates of formula use with low-income infants, recommends changes

Gene therapy rids infants of ‘bubble boy’ immune disease symptoms

Autism behaviors show unique brain network fingerprints in infants

Checklist helps assess early feeding skills in premature infants

High BP seen at school age for extreme preterm infants

Why all Canadian infants need a hepatitis B vaccination

Non-pharmacologic approaches improve outcomes for infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome

Most premature infants receive early antibiotics

Exposure to second-hand smoke doubles rates of asthma and wheezing in infants