Tag: influenza

Influenza vaccination may have protective effect on COVID-19

Common cold combats influenza

Flu symptoms: Common signs and symptoms of the flu – How to treat it yourself

Lower risk of Type 1 diabetes seen in children vaccinated against ‘stomach flu’ virus

Food additive may influence how well flu vaccines work

Common food additive may weaken defenses against influenza

Protecting against vaccine administration injury

Flu shot myths, such as that you should wait for cold weather to get the vaccine

Researchers discover influenza virus doesn’t replicate equally in all cells

Flu Shot Facts & Side Effects (Updated for 2018-2019)

Why men might recover from flu faster than women: Male mice infected with influenza produce more amphiregulin, a growth factor protein that promotes lung healing

People Still Believe These 10 Myths About the Spanish Flu

3-D structure of 1918 influenza virus-like particles created: Details could advance vaccine development for several human diseases

New way to determine protection of Men B vaccine against different strains

Would YOU suffer through the flu for $3,500?