Tag: injury

A common shoulder injury could heal faster, thanks to this first-of-a-kind tissue implant

Robotic exoskeleton training improves walking in adolescents with acquired brain injury

ACS: Tranexamic Acid No Better Than Placebo After Severe Injury

Brain injury survivors and their caregivers can benefit from a resiliency program

Spinal cord stem cells can help repair after injury

Study explores using wearable technologies to develop precision rehab interventions in brain injury survivors

Older people with early, asymptomatic Alzheimer’s present higher risk of falling

The brain may be a new therapeutic target for improving breathing following lung injury in COVID-19

International study improves traumatic brain injury diagnosis with the use of precision medicine

Cases of severe lung injury after vaping reported in three states

Exercise injury prevention: Protecting your ankles

Mental health disorders common following mild head injury

These immune cells renew themselves after acute kidney injury

My experience of traumatic brain injury and aphasia

Protecting cell powerhouse paves way to better treatment of acute kidney injury

Major traumatic injury increases risk of mental health diagnoses, suicide

Scientists uncover why knee joint injury leads to osteoarthritis

An improvement in outcome for patients with severe traumatic brain injury

Health Tip: Prevent Yoga-Related Injury

New study offers hope of recovery from spinal cord injury

The 6 Craziest Sex Injuries Emergency Room Doctors Have Ever Seen

This Viral Image Highlights The Confronting Health Struggles Of Being A Hairdresser

Researchers identify brain cells responsible for removing damaged neurons after injury

Gene therapy restores hand function after spinal cord injury in rats

Ingesting honey after swallowing button battery reduces injury and improves outcomes

High school pitchers who also catch prone to injury

Researchers repair acute spinal cord injury in monkeys

Experimental drug restores some bladder function after spinal cord injury, study finds