Tag: Learning Disorders

Having an elder brother is associated with slower language development

Language-savvy parents improve their children’s reading development, study shows: The researchers found that adults with higher reading-related knowledge are likelier to provide positive feedback, which helps the learning process

It’s not your fault — Your brain is self-centered: Short-term memory focuses on things we label as ‘ours,’ no matter how random they are

1 in 3 students with ADHD receive no school interventions

Neuroscientists discover neural mechanisms of developmental dyslexia

As genetic data expand, researchers urge caution in how predictors of education outcomes are used

New model mimics persistent interneuron loss seen in prematurity

Effects of teenage motherhood may last multiple generations

Largest description of ST3GAL5 (GM3 Synthase) deficiency published

Telling stories using rhythmic gesture helps children improve their oral skills

A role for microRNAs in social behavior: Researchers uncover how a microRNA cluster regulates synapse development and sociability

Being yelled at: Our brain on alert in a flash

Music improves social communication in autistic children

Fluorescent marker can help guide surgeons to remove dangerous brain tumor cells more accurately

Children who experience violence early in life develop faster: A study examines the effects of early life adversity on pubertal development and epigenetic age

Time-traveling illusion tricks the brain: How the brain retroactively makes sense of rapid auditory and visual sensory stimulation

Neuroscientists see clues to brain maturation in adolescent rats

American girls read and write better than boys: Gender gap appears as early as fourth grade, widens with age, study says

Where you live might influence how you measure up against your peers

Developmental stage for No. 1 eye tumor in children

Why the effects of a boozy binge could last longer than you think

Key protein involved in the development of autism discovered

Robots will never replace teachers but can boost children’s education

Reading the motor intention from brain activity within 100ms

BPA can induce multigenerational effects on ability to communicate, mouse study shows

Does good attendance equal good grades?

Approach can help English learners improve at math word problems: Tool boosted scores, improvement; is available for educators

Children’s immune system could hold the key to preventing sepsis