Genetically tailored instruction improves songbird learning: Results lend support to arguments for ‘personalized education’ in classrooms, researchers say 09/19/2019 Health News
Language-savvy parents improve their children’s reading development, study shows: The researchers found that adults with higher reading-related knowledge are likelier to provide positive feedback, which helps the learning process 06/14/2019 Health News
It’s not your fault — Your brain is self-centered: Short-term memory focuses on things we label as ‘ours,’ no matter how random they are 03/14/2019 Health News
As genetic data expand, researchers urge caution in how predictors of education outcomes are used 02/21/2019 Health News
Telling stories using rhythmic gesture helps children improve their oral skills 01/18/2019 Health News
A role for microRNAs in social behavior: Researchers uncover how a microRNA cluster regulates synapse development and sociability 12/19/2018 Health News
Fluorescent marker can help guide surgeons to remove dangerous brain tumor cells more accurately 11/05/2018 Health News
Children who experience violence early in life develop faster: A study examines the effects of early life adversity on pubertal development and epigenetic age 11/02/2018 Health News
Time-traveling illusion tricks the brain: How the brain retroactively makes sense of rapid auditory and visual sensory stimulation 10/10/2018 Health News
American girls read and write better than boys: Gender gap appears as early as fourth grade, widens with age, study says 09/21/2018 Health News
BPA can induce multigenerational effects on ability to communicate, mouse study shows 06/20/2018 Health News
Approach can help English learners improve at math word problems: Tool boosted scores, improvement; is available for educators 06/20/2018 Health News