Tag: Literacy

Language-savvy parents improve their children’s reading development, study shows: The researchers found that adults with higher reading-related knowledge are likelier to provide positive feedback, which helps the learning process

Neuroscientists discover neural mechanisms of developmental dyslexia

As genetic data expand, researchers urge caution in how predictors of education outcomes are used

Telling stories using rhythmic gesture helps children improve their oral skills

American girls read and write better than boys: Gender gap appears as early as fourth grade, widens with age, study says

Many young adults lack financial literacy, economic stability, study finds

Improving health insurance literacy aids Missourians’ ACA enrollment

Paying parents to read to their children boosts literacy skills

Children’s immune system could hold the key to preventing sepsis

Beyond the ‘Reading Wars’: How the science of reading can improve literacy

Urban violence can hurt test scores even for kids who don’t experience it

Rhythm crucial in drummed speech: Amazonian Bora people mimic the rhythm of their language for communication over large distances using drums

Algorithms reveal changes in stereotypes

Class clowns: Playful boys viewed more negatively than playful girls, study finds: Study confirms gender differences in how teachers perceive playfulness — and provides insights into the potentially damaging effects of discouraging playful behavior in the classroom