Tag: New

Discovery of a new tumor suppressor previously thought to be an oncogene

Study paves way for new approach to cancer diagnostics

New ‘wave’ of cholera cases likely to hit Yemen: UN

New study shows smoking can affect breastfeeding habits

Medical researchers suggest a new approach of targeted cancer therapy

New UK research links even low levels of air pollution with serious changes in the heart

New model IDs factors tied to muslim youth radicalization

Waking up to new facts on childhood sleepwalking

New system can identify drugs to target ‘undruggable’ enzymes critical in many diseases

New study offers hope of recovery from spinal cord injury

A new roadmap for repairing the damage of multiple sclerosis

New evidence supports radical treatment of widespread form of malaria

New techniques show prosthetics users harming healthy limb

New database launches in a bid to develop new drugs in the fight against antimicrobial resistance

New law in Baltimore bars sodas from kids’ menus

Dementia could be detected via routinely collected data, new research shows

New ALS therapy in clinical trials—drug extends survival, reverses some neuromuscular damage in animals

New study highlights Alzheimer’s herpes link, experts say

New clinical trial to explore effects of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D in type 1 diabetes

New chronic fatigue syndrome test is 84 percent accurate

Hepatitis-Infected Kidneys May Be Safe New Option for Transplant

New study of census data finds deprivation in cities is persistent and spreading

Increase in prevalence of peds HTN with new definitions

Drugs to treat top infectious disease killer a possibility with new discovery

New AI System Can Accurately Predict How Long A Patient Will Live

New marker for favourable prognosis in gastric and esophageal cancer

Hamish Blake Has A Surprising New Gig In The Health And Fitness Field

New study reveals the function of a mysterious component of the inner ear