Tag: Pharmacology

High-tech gel aids delivery of drugs

Researchers engineer antibodies that unlock body’s regenerative potential

Elusive key to stopping neglected tropical diseases: Path to realizing a decades-old dream

Self-sterilizing polymer proves effective against drug-resistant pathogens

People are more likely to try drugs for the first time during the summer

Colorado nail salon workers face chronic air pollution, elevated cancer risk

Making glass more clear: New approach predicts glass’ always-evolving behaviors at different temperatures

‘Aneurysm Number’ may help surgeons make treatment decisions: Simple parameter that depends on geometry and flow waveform can classify the flow mode into sidewall or bifurcation aneurysms

Improper removal of personal protective equipment contaminates health care workers: Errors cause spread of drug-resistant bacteria

Antibiotic resistance is spreading from wastewater treatment plants

Early-term infants can succeed at breastfeeding: Contrary to earlier research, early birth need not impact nursing success

How a certain bacterium communicates and makes us sick

Cocktail of common antibiotics can fight resistant E. coli

Promising results for new acute porphyria treatment

MDMA users more empathetic than other drug users, study suggests

Simple drug combination creates new neurons from neighboring cells

Improved treatment for alcohol use disorders, chronic pain, mood disorders: Purdue-patented technology shown to have fewer side effects than conventional therapeutics

33,000 people die every year due to infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Better chemo drug adsorption onto targeted delivery capsules

One antiplatelet drug after heart valve replacement

Drug makes rats less likely to imbibe alcohol

Scientists develop novel drug that could potentially treat liver cancer more effectively: Peptide drug FFW shows promise in reducing tumour growth and slowing down spread of cancer cells

Drug now in clinical trials for Parkinson’s strengthens heart contractions in animals

Higher doses of rifampin appear more effective in fighting TB without increasing risk of adverse events

New clues to improving chemotherapies

Deep-sea marine sponges may hold key to antibiotic drug resistance

Complementing conventional antibiotics: Scientists reveal atomic details for one of Legionella’s enzymatic weapons and develop first inhibitor

Drug companies selling more ‘lifestyle,’ less ‘symptom’