Tag: prostate

City of Hope initiates Phase 2 clinical trial to investigate if mushroom tablets could slow prostate cancer

Novel drug regenerates erectile nerves damaged by prostate surgery

Study: New approach may boost prostate cancer immunotherapies

Prostate cancer patients may be having surgery without knowing about other options

Blood cell mutations confound prostate cancer liquid biopsy results

BMD Testing Rates Low in Men Initiating ADT for Prostate Cancer

Organ transplant does not worsen prostate cancer outcome

Prostate cancer bone metastases thwart immunotherapy by producing TGF-beta

Researchers discover a new way to improve the assessment of prostate cancer aggressiveness

Pre-salvage RT PSA predictive of hormone therapy benefit with salvage RT for recurrent prostate cancer

Could common heart meds lower prostate cancer risk?

Researchers develop prostate cancer prediction tool that has unmatched accuracy

Inadequate support for sexual dysfunction in prostate cancer patients

Proximity to muscle cells may promote spread of prostate cancer cells, NIH study suggests

Stephen Fry´s prostate cancer diagnosis ´caused spike in demand at…

Drinking could cause aggressive prostate cancer, research suggests

Experts band together to eradicate prostate cancer

Researchers identify RNA molecules that regulate action of male hormone in prostate cancer

Football training may preserve bone health in prostate cancer patients

Combination of blood test and imaging improves detection of prostate cancer

Gene testing could identify men with prostate cancer who may benefit from immunotherapy

Prostate cancer drug given initial ‘no’ for NHS in England

New drug target to combat prostate cancer

Study shows targeted biopsy for prostate cancer more effective than traditional method

Overall, drinking wine does not impact prostate cancer risk

Experts have new advice on prostate cancer screening. Here’s why they put it back on the table

New metric defines areas of highest prostate cancer burden