Tag: Quality and Safety

CTA intros new trustworthiness standard for healthcare AI

ECRI, EHR Association put forth safety practices for behavioral health IT

Ransomware attack derails UVM's Epic implementation timeline

Cloud EHR vendor nTreatment reportedly left medical records unprotected

CIOs seek analytics, automation, EHR integration for healthier supply chains

Survey says majority of Americans won't use COVID-19 contact-tracing apps

Yale New Haven Health rapidly deploys remote monitoring for ventilator patients

BlueCross BlueShield Data Innovation Challenge arrives at a winner

OIG audit: Massive backlog in digitizing VHA medical records

Field hospital of the future is self-powered, deployable by C-130 aircraft

Cerner EHR alert helps Missouri provider reduce blood transfusion rate, save $1 million

Premier Management streamlines ACO reporting across 33 metrics to improve quality scores

Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford automates medication management to reduce adverse drug events

Grady Health System chooses Care Logistics to boost patient care, drive efficiencies

AI is coming to a doctor's office near you, and AMA wants to be ready

Hospital taps iPad-based language interpretation that takes half the time of phone calls

Reducing Medication Errors Through Better Technology Integration