Tag: Scientists

Scientists discover inherited neurodegenerative disease in monkeys

Aussie scientists see life-saving potential in spider venom

Scientists discover gene therapy provides neuroprotection to prevent glaucoma vision loss

Scientists closing in on map of the mammalian immune system

Scientists identify combination of biological markers associated with severe dengue

Scientists identify mechanism linking traumatic brain injury to neurodegenerative disease

Scientists show how LSD blows open the doors of perception

Scientists develop new class of cancer drug with potential to treat leukaemia

Scientists uncover early links between cardiovascular risk and brain metabolism

Scientists to explore whether anti-inflammatory drugs control blood sugar

Imperial scientists conduct COVID-19 testing on London’s transport network

Scientists reverse deadly impacts of asthma in mice

Scientists reveal how gut microbes can influence bone strength in mice

Despite lax rules, COVID-19 claims few lives in Haiti. Scientists want to know why.

Schizophrenia may be similar to immune disorders, show scientists

Scientists discover how COVID-19 virus causes multiple organ failure in mice

Another side to cancer immunotherapy? Scientists investigate intratumoral B cells

Scientists develop electronic patch to monitor, treat heart disease

Scientists find Ebola virus antibodies in people before 2018 DRC outbreak

Scientists use gene therapy and a novel light-sensing protein to restore vision in mice

Scientists map genes controlling immune system ‘brakes’

New method developed to help scientists understand how the brain processes color

Scientists devise new ‘bar code’ method to identify critical cell types in the brain

Scientists develop blood test to help improve liver cancer screening

Scientists predict the best strategy for lifting COVID-19 lockdown

Asymptomatic people ARE spreading coronavirus, say Harvard scientists

Scientists develop means for detecting early stages of lung problems caused by COVID-19

Scientists discover gene that can help damaged tissues in the heart