Health News

How do carrots affect vision? Find out

The connection between the health of eyes and carrots originates from a supposed myth.

That carrots are good for the eyes is a known fact. It is something we have grown up learning, and there is even scientific evidence to back this claim. But, how did this association come into being? If you are looking for answers and ways to keep your vision — especially night vision — strong, read on.

The association

The connection between the health of eyes and carrots originates from a supposed myth. It was believed that during World War II, British Royal Air Force pilots were the first to target and shoot enemy planes at night. But, in order to keep this new technology a secret, they credited their visual accuracy to eating carrots at night. Thus began a propaganda that touted carrots as the go-to food for eye health. This continues till date.

Keeping the eyes healthy

Carrots are rich in antioxidants, particularly beta carotene and lutein, which are known to prevent damage to the eyes by free radicals. Free radicals are compounds that cause cell damage and weaken the eyes. It is beta carotene that gives a carrot its red/orange colour, which is converted into vitamin A by the body. And a body that has vitamin A deficiency is prone to night blindness. Experts say that vitamin A forms rhodopsin — a reddish-purple, light-sensitive pigment in the eye — that helps us see at night.

Furthermore, yellow carrots — containing lutein — are known to prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a condition which causes your vision to gradually get blurred and/or lost.

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Other benefits

Besides eyes, there are many other benefits to eating carrots. Rich in fiber, carrots keep the digestive system strong and even prevent constipation. They are also known to stabilize the blood sugar level. Additionally, red and orange carrots have lycopene, which is a heart-protective antioxidant. Being high in fiber and low in calories, carrots may also promote weight loss.

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