Many urological folk wisdom does not stand up to closer examination
Straight men shy away from out of shame going to the urologist. This is precisely why there are apparently so many myths surrounding the topic of urology. Therefore, it is useful once to clean up. Dr. Reinhold Schaefer, urologist and Director of the medical network, Uro-GmbH in North Rhine clarifies ten most common mistakes.
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Myth no 1: Laptops, heated seats & Co. make impotent
Common theme: the male potency and fertility. Just technical devices are always suspected of endangering the manhood. The people, for example, heat by means of heated seats, or the use of Laptops on the lap of the fertility faith to be compromised. “It is not true that the testicles tolerate strong heat,” explains Dr. Schaefer. “For a permanent injury to a weeks – to months-long Overheating would be necessary.”
Myth No. 2: the Lame sperm by cell phone radiation
Mobile phones are, however, mainly due to the outgoing radiation as harmful to fertility. This fear seems to be the current scientific status, however, unfounded. Here, too, heat which make mobile phones, especially when Carrying it in pants pockets, and out of the question, at best, as a cause for a temporarily reduced sperm quality.
Myth no 3: riding a bike endangers the manhood
Also the persistent rumour that Cycling causes impotence. Urologists disagree but also this is an often-expressed assumption. Even those who ride a lot and long, and thus carries no harm. Any pain after long trips, and experts lead to a misalignment of the saddle. “Even this painful irritation, however, suggest in any way to the restrictions of the potency,” says Dr. Schaefer.
Myth 4: cold caused bladder infections
In the female sex, however, people are turning wisdom but often a condition that many women suffer really often, bladder infections. According to popular belief, it is caused by hypothermia. In this statement, a spark of truth at least, because the wet and cold to favor the emergence of a bladder infection. Is caused the disease, but by bacteria, which come in a variety of Ways in the urinary bladder.
Myth no. 5: cranberry juice as a “miracle weapon” against urinary infections
As a gentle remedy for urinary tract infections, many recommend the consumption of cranberry juice, capsules or the dried fruit. But here, too, that myth and reality often meet. “In the berry contained a substance more difficult according to studies, bacteria in fact, on the walls of the bladder to set a reliable protection or an effective means against an existing of inflammation, he has not, however,” says Dr. Schaefer.
Myth no 6: “my bladder is about to burst”
“Me bubble” – a phrase that is often used when the next silent place out of the reach bursts. But can burst with a full bladder, really? A healthy bladder holds depending on gender and body size between 250 and 500 milliliters of urine and not coming in, when a drain fails. The amount, however, exceeds the maximum filling volume of, can’t even keep the strongest muscles of the pressure and the bladder emptied. Unpleasant, but not dangerous.
Myth no. 7: sexually transmitted diseases die out
Venereal diseases are the flip side of Lust. However, although everyone can protect with condoms effective against these very serious diseases, there is a growing carelessness in width. Gonorrhea, Syphilis & Co. are considered to be in danger of extinction “threatened”. In truth, all of to take these infections. Because certain STDs can cause cancer, or infertile, should patients go to see the first signs of immediately a urologist – and the best prevention.
Myth No. 8: Only women in menopause
Hot flushes, sweats and mood swings – there are lighter phase, as the changing years of a woman. But not only the female gender is affected by the consequences of the so-called menopause. Also, about every third-fourth man finds unpleasant symptoms such as performance degradation, sexual aversion, or erectile dysfunction, as a result of hormonal changes.
Myth no. 9: men can always
Only too happy, most men want to conform to this myth. However, the strong gender, sexual Desire decreases in certain phases of life and with increasing age. In younger men – up to 45 years – caused erection problems often as a result of Stress, drugs or alcohol. In the higher age, physical factors are often in the foreground. In both cases, the urologist will help to find individual triggers and relevant therapies.
Myth no. 10: blue wonder pill makes you tired men cheerfully
As the end of the 90s, first erection-promoting agents came on the market, not is to say, the blue pills, only, literally, in everyone’s lips. But in the meantime, the big excitement is over. Although potency pills are regarded as successful remedy for erectile dysfunction, but men without this organic dysfunction does not describe the discount at the end of an all-time high as more of a nuisance. Also side effect such as headaches and Nausea are added to accompany. In addition, there are many other causes for erectile dysfunction, these drugs do not treat. (sb)