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Yesterday, nearly 500 members founded in, today: Potsdamer start quarantine help

The Coronavirus is spreading in Germany. Many people already have to endure in Isolation. In Potsdam, has now founded a Facebook group, in the framework of Voluntary persons in quarantine with errands, but also social contact can help.

The number of Corona-Infected in Germany is increasing, more and more people are currently hovering in domestic quarantine. In Potsdam, it was on Friday, 74 people were tested positive for the novel pathogen. In order for this to come to food, hygiene products and other necessities, was launched on Friday, the Facebook group “quarantine the help of Potsdam” to life. Currently, the merger already has 483 members.

Quarantine-help group: Immediately 50 people registered

The “Potsdamer neueste Nachrichten” languages with Jessy king, of the initiator, about the project. She had been through a Situation in a Potsdamer supermarket’s attention to the fact that there is so far no comparable actions in the city.

“At the checkout someone said to the cashier: These purchases are for a Person in quarantine, I’ll be right back,” said the woman to the sheet. In the newly founded Facebook group had reported immediately about 50 people who had been ready to go for Potsdamer Platz in Isolation shopping or the dogs to run.

  • Read also: Corona-pandemic restricts everyday lives of at-risk groups: Here are the Concerned persons to find help
  • Germany helps – Corona Care: FOCUS Online launches Germany’s largest action for neighbourhood help

Not just errands, social support for Affected

In the case of the group it does not go according to king, however, not only with errands, but also to leave people in quarantine Association seeds. “I think for many who do not have in normal life, many social contacts, it is particularly difficult to stay 14 days in Isolation. Because swing is a great fear that left alone,” said the “Potsdamer neueste Nachrichten”.

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