In the United States nearly 100 people are suffering from a lung disease, which seems to be related to E-cigarettes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports in a single message. The cases are, therefore, among other things, in the U.S. States of Wisconsin, Illionois, Indiana, and Minnesota occurred. In the case of the Sufferers are mostly teenagers or young adults. Other States also have reported other possible cases, – stated in the message. These, however, were not yet confirmed.
The disease is caused by virus or bacteria, is currently considered to be unlikely. There was “no conclusive evidence”, reports the CDC. More information would be needed to determine what could have caused the diseases. Some of the cases in the individual Federal States are very similar and seem to “stand with the use of E-cigarette in context”. The experts are currently investigating 94 cases in 14 different States.