Personal Health

Six seniors over the Corona-crisis: The youth of today, we do not envy

Germany makes up at least a bit: Bars and Restaurants are re-opened, the shopping streets are filling up as well as the trains of Deutsche Bahn. Despite continuing contact restrictions a breath of returns everyday. Anyway, for most of us.

For the residents of retirement and nursing homes full of the return to normality moves only slowly. Although most are allowed to receive visitors, but only under the restrictions. Because a large part of the Corona-dead, the show various studies, lived in old people’s homes. In some counties, the ratio of Corona-dead is in old people’s homes to the total number of Corona-deceased at 70 to 80 percent.

How strict the hygiene arrangements for residents of nursing homes are, in addition, it was reported in the past weeks. However, as seniors who have already experienced several crises, world wars, to the Corona with your eyes everyday? What you perceive as a burden, from which you draw strength? And what can society learn, in your opinion, from this crisis? Six residents of the luxury senior citizens residences of Tertianum have given us answers to these and other questions.

The protocols established between the 04. and 13. May 2020, i.e. already after the first easing measures.

Erika B., 93 years: “We have time, and what small children can, before that, we should not be afraid of us”

Erika B., 93 Years

“In spite of the visit of ban, I felt even a day left alone, or even bored. How to do this? To my 80. Birthday, my kids signed me up for a cell phone. I couldn’t handle perfectly (I can’t) Start, to be honest, until today, but my whole life is my Motto – and stay tuned! Do not give up, but again and again, to explain. You have to repeat things until they become habit. We have time and what small children can, before that, we should not be afraid of us.

With my iPhone I do every day, the photos and Videos and send them. I sell my time with Games and puzzles, I also chat via Whatsapp. I get in addition to important information, but also a lot of Fun from all over the world sent to you, regardless of whether the time of day or night. Because I have come to realize: writing letters takes much too long and phone calls reach me or the other almost always at the wrong time. We don’t know how long the effect of Corona is influenced – so no excuses!”

Wolf-Dietrich Freiherr S. v. S., 85 years

“When you have lived as an 85-Year-old safe in a residence for senior citizens in Munich, if you think back to a happy Childhood in Pomerania, which is a year of continuing flight with the mother as a ten year old, the difficult post-war years of training in hotel management in South and North America, the professional life later, in Munich, in 1989, the Peaceful Revolution, the return and redemption of family property in Leipzig. Joy and sorrow were always the companion.

After the pandemic, our society must change

With the limited freedom, the right decisions of policy and public health offices you can handle as an older man, certainly better than the people in today’s active life.

As the curator of the children’s hospice in Leipzig, I already know how bad the self-sacrificing work of the nursing staff is paid and that you get hardly any recognition. Corona has shaken us here, too, awake! After the end of the pandemic will have on our society change. Positive Thinking and Action, a little more humility and modesty in front of the living are the best medicine for my peers in the homes. Employees*must currently doing a Tremendous job in this crisis – we should thank them and be patient show respect.”

The fairy and the W. v. F., born in 1945 and 1944. She was a painting restorer, he is an industrial clerk.

The fairy and the W. v. F., 75, and 76 years spouse

“We both grew up in the post-war period. At that time, the world was fine for us, even if it is perceived from today’s point of view as a “lack of economy”. In memory of these past times Ancient” today’s limitations will fall to us “probably easier to use than the younger generations.

Stressful for us at most of the lack of freedom of movement is, if you can talk about it -. No traveling, no trips, no concert – and Museum-visits. It only walks or little bike along stay-tours on the Isar river – but still! Joy makes us that we can still enjoy life and that we finally have time for the older, unread magazines, and books.

Corona shows us that in our life today, not everything is, of course, and we should focus on essential things. The younger generations should also consider whether it is necessary to join in all fashions and every consumer. It really is a two -, three long-distance trips by plane per year?

The youth of today, we do not envy. We leave you with a whole package of problems.

In contrast to our previous Generation that experienced two world wars with disastrous consequences, we had, in retrospect, actually, a nice and good time. Economically, it was always upward, in spite of various world crises and the threat of (nuclear)wars. Perhaps we had committed ourselves to, but there’s already too much of the “Material”, without taking sufficient consideration on the environment.

The youth of today, we do not envy. I have to admit, we leave you with a whole package of problems: pensions, the environment, plenty of regional conflicts. So, this crisis should make us and the youth no longer be a reminder to do so. We and the youth have to us, for the environment and against the various war and often irrational conflicts of use. Peace and justice must be the currency of the future!”


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Ingrid K., 83 Years

“As a war child I know what is Not. In our residence for senior citizens however, there is no Hunger, no Cold. To be afraid of? Of course. We are all just a guest on earth. Our prosperity allows us the great medical research and progress. But the prosperity is for everyone.

As a “stem mother” of a large family I still have contact with the youth. I am daily in the social media on the go, and laugh with Old and Young. And somehow everything is not quite as dramatic. What can society learn from this crisis? Never be too demanding. Important social Thinking and self-responsibility. You should not always cry out to the state. And in crises easy to keep together.”

Christina V., 84 Years

“The current daily restrictions to withstand, in my opinion, best achieved through a structured daily routine. Me it charged to my son and the grandchildren to visit. To keep in contact with parents, siblings, children, friends and Acquaintances of the pillars is in troubled times!

These days, it shows time and again that you have to be brave and try to make the right decisions. In times of crisis you should remember the happy hours, because one can draw upon, if the life structure is deteriorating and restrictions are required. The mind can wander and travel!”

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