Personal Health

Ticks lie in wait in the Christmas tree?

The risk of encountering a tick in the cold Season of the year, is significantly lower than in the spring or summer. However, more mild temperatures, the blood-suckers are also quite active in the Winter and can be reached from the Christmas tree into the house.

In mild winters, it is quite possible, that with the Christmas tree of the tick into the house, even if it is rather the exception. “Who wants to be on the safe side, you should spread out the tree in the Free beat and the Place under the tree with a white sheet. The animals then fall from the branches, they are well visible and can be removed with adhesive tape,” says Dr. Utta Petzold, a dermatologist at the health insurance company Barmer.

Ticks overwinter mainly in the thick leaf layer on the ground. The moist Deciduous protects you from cold and dehydration. The temperatures, drop ticks are less mobile and will expire at some point staring in a so-called Cold. In the case of milder temperatures over a period of a few days you can be active again and in search of food. On the ground near the bushes, you can get in the lower branches of coniferous trees, which are later than Christmas tree sold.


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