Personal Health

Yoga Exercises for at home 10 positions for beginners

Yoga is not only relaxing, the Exercises should also pain back, headaches, and depression help. Because they need Yoga in their own body, is a sport ideal for your home. FOCUS Online presents the ten best Yoga Exercises.

Yoga has its roots in Hinduism and Buddhism. In Germany there are around three million Yoga Fans, most of whom are women. Yoga is suitable for people of all ages, beginners should visit a professional Yoga class to do the Exercises correctly and prevent injury.

Before and during the Yoga training

You dispense with 1.5 to two hours prior to the Yoga Training to eat. A full stomach can be the Exercises uncomfortable. Guests can exercise in a warm, quiet room where you can relax and feel comfortable. Place jewelry, put on comfortable clothes and go barefoot on the Yoga Mat, in order not to wegzurutschen.

Also, check on your breathing in Yoga: Breathe in when you bend long distance or to the rear.

1. Exercise: The Greeting To The Sun

This Exercise warms up the whole body and stretches him. It relieves tension and releases energy.

The correct version:

  • an upright Stand, the big toes touching, fingers pointed towards the ground
  • Arms up, palms touch, look to the ceiling
  • Forehead to Shin
  • the right foot with a great lunge far to the back, look forward, shoulders down.
  • the left next to the right foot, bring, fingers, arms stretch, the Po shows up to the ceiling, legs straight
  • the shoulders over the wrists to bring (pushup position), abdominal tensing
  • in this Position, to the floor drop
  • on the ground the head up and hollow back make
  • push back, stretch arms, the Po shows up to the ceiling, legs straight
  • the right foot with a great lunge far to the back, look forward, shoulders down.
  • the left next to the right foot bring.
  • Arms up, palms touch, look to the ceiling
  • an upright Stand, the big toes touching, fingers pointed towards the ground

2. The Triangle

This Exercise stimulates the nervous system, stretches the side of your body.

The proper execution: . FOCUS Online The triangle

  • Legs apart about a Meter
  • inhale, right Arm up
  • exhale, bend to your left, and the left Hand on the left leg
  • in a line
  • Page

3. The Warriors

The warrior strengthens the body, boosts the stamina, strengthens the mental power.

The correct execution: FOCUS Online The warriors

  • Arms out to the sides to stretch out your legs, turn straddle, left foot to the outside.
  • left leg bend, right foot pressing into the ground
  • left knee to the height of the heel hold. Back stretch straight, entire body tensing.
  • Five, hold for ten seconds, then switch sides.

4. The Tree

Positive effects: Strengthens the physical strength and sense of balance .

The correct execution: FOCUS Online The tree

  • with the right foot in the ground belongs to the family of
  • Weight to the right foot shift, left foot on the bottom of the heel to the inner side of the right thigh, bring
  • Arms upward stretch, palms touching
  • 30 seconds to a Minute hold
  • then move to the other side

5. The Dog

He cleans the lungs and strengthens the sense of balance, helps prevent varicose veins and constipation.

The correct execution: FOCUS Online , The dog

  • Kneel on the floor
  • The tips of the toes up, knees spread apart
  • Torso to the knees to drop, extend the arms forward and lay it on the ground.
  • Butt lifting and in the all-fours position to go
  • Hands firmly against the floor presses, Butt upwards, legs stretch
  • Take a deep breath, Position, hold for 30 seconds

6. The Cobra (or Sphinx)

The Exercise improves breathing and spinal flexibility, strengthens arms and shoulders, increase of attention.

The correct execution: FOCUS Online The Cobra

  • Lay on your stomach
  • Legs tight together, heels touching
  • Forearms flat on the floor, head and torso lifting
  • Shoulders away from the ears
  • Position one to two minutes

7. The Bow

The arch stretches the anterior thigh, arms and trains strengthens the buttocks and the abdominal muscles, and stretches the back, shoulders, and spine.

The correct execution: FOCUS Online The arc

  • On the belly, the hand, faces point to the ceiling, toes are on the floor
  • Breathe evenly, squats, heels to Butt bring
  • Hands lift, and with them, the ankles grip
  • The heels of Po move, and the thigh raise, shoulder blades pushed together
  • The tailbone, lift the hips and raise the back relax
  • Head lifting, belly to the ground, press
  • Hold Position 30 seconds to a Minute

8. The Child

The child stretches the spine, thigh and ankle. It counteracts fatigue, dizziness or headaches, and relaxes the lower abdomen for menstrual cramps.

The correct execution: FOCUS Online The child

  • On the heels of the big toes are touching
  • The torso to the front of the place, the belly on the thighs, the forehead touches the ground
  • Shoulder blades fall apart, hands loose on the floor
  • A minimum of 30 seconds in this Position, stay

9. The Shoulder Bridge

The Yoga Exercise stretches the belly and the hips, strengthens the thighs and the buttocks.

The correct execution: FOCUS Online The shoulder bridge

  • On the back, legs bent, feet up
  • Hip lift
  • With your hands in the direction of feet and hips lead even further to the top
  • 30 seconds to a Minute hold

10. The Chair

It strengthens the thigh muscles, improves posture, helps with insomnia.

The correct execution: FOCUS Online of The chair

  • Hip-wide Stand, arms forward stretch, palms down
  • Squats tilting and basin to the rear, heels stay on the ground
  • Palms parallel to the floor, abdominal muscles tense

Yoga is good for health

Yoga makes you healthy and happy – this is proven by various studies. Two and a half hours of Yoga per week should be sufficient to alleviate the symptoms of asthma patient. This is the result of a Mini-study conducted by the American College of Sports Medicine, with 20 participants. Positive effects, the researchers observed also in people with heart disease, high blood pressure and depression.

Yoga to relieve pain also, blood circulation disorders, sleeping disorders, chronic headaches and back. Due to the numerous positive effects on health, many health insurance companies cover the cost for a Yoga class in whole or in part. Best offer on