Tag: Alzheimer’s

New tests identify very early changes in Alzheimer’s disease before symptoms appear

New potential clues in diagnosing, treating Alzheimer’s found in retinas

Novel technique spotlights neuronal uptake of amyloid beta in Alzheimer’s disease

Older people with early, asymptomatic Alzheimer’s present higher risk of falling

Alzheimer’s patients may need dosing changes in medicines prescribed for other conditions

Alzheimer’s: the ‘switch-on moment’ discovered

Reelin reverts the main pathological processes related to Alzheimer’s and other tauopathy

Diet Soda: To drink or not to drink

Dementia: The hot drink shown to help lower your risk of developing the condition

Figuring out Alzheimer’s

Big data, bench science suggests drug may slow Parkinson’s progression in people: Drug used to treat enlarged prostate appears to improve Parkinson’s symptoms in experimental models and human database analysis

Patients diagnosed with cancer after skipping appointment more likely to die within a year

Excessive napping could be warning sign of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease destroys neurons that keep us awake: Study suggests Tau tangles, not amyloid plaques, drive daytime napping that precedes dementia

Protein-gene interactions involved in Alzheimer’s disease

Group calls on international community to prevent dementia by preventing stroke

Healthy lifestyle may offset genetic risk of dementia

Larger drug trials that intervene earlier needed for Alzheimer’s disease

Chronic conditions — not infectious diseases — are top 5 causes of early death in China

Modified protein can prevent Alzheimer’s disease in mice

Ultrasound method restores dopaminergic pathway in brain at Parkinson’s early stages

Researchers block protein that plays a key role in Alzheimer’s disease

Artificial intelligence tool vastly scales up Alzheimer’s research

Why visual stimulation may work against Alzheimer’s

Early-stage detection of Alzheimer’s in the blood

When is ‘Alzheimer’s’ not Alzheimer’s? Researchers characterize a different form of dementia

How fish brain cells react to Alzheimer’s disease

More evidence that blood tests can detect the risk of Alzheimer’s