Tag: antibiotics

Certain antibiotics linked with upped risk for deadly aortic aneurysms

Antibiotics can limit body’s ability to uptake analgesics

Antibiotics in first year of life may up risk for T1DM by age 10

As superbugs spread, WHO raises alarm over lack of new antibiotics

Pharmacies leave customers hanging when it comes to disposing of antibiotics and opioids

Also food days rare antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Bladder infection: Cranberry extract makes bacteria more sensitive to antibiotics

Through these popular cold remedies, colds are getting worse and worse

With these funds, they make colds worse

Super-gonorrhoea is becoming MORE resistant to common antibiotics

Against resistance: highly effective, natural antibiotic from wasp venom won

Study: Antibiotics destroy immune cells and worsen oral infection

Bacteriophages offer promising alternative to antibiotics