Tag: brain

How sleep affects the brain

A map of mouse brain metabolism in aging

Early accumulation of tau proteins in the brain more effective at predicting memory impairment

Stringent lineage tracing is vital for nerve cell regeneration studies

Research receives $1.2 million to give Australian children the best nutritional start in life

USC Stevens INI launches a $3 million study to solve some puzzles about Parkinson's disease

Modified smartwatch can help reduce stress

Study explores ‘brain fog’ following COVID-19

Brain injury treatment may cause harm in low and middle income nations

Researchers create detailed molecular atlas of fetal development of the brain

A brain mechanism that automatically links objects in our minds

How brain cells compensate for damage from a stroke

Study links brain energy deficits to migraine susceptibility

Three brain responses linked to successful weight loss surgery

Compound may block COVID-19 virus from entering lung cells, study reports

Role of sleep-related brain activity in clearing toxic proteins and preventing Alzheimers disease

New tool activates deep brain neurons by combining ultrasound, genetics

Designer alterations to brain cells reduce anxiety in monkeys, hold promise for humans

Zebrafish brain shows that new neurons are formed in the brain in a coordinated manner

Diagramming the brain with colorful connections

New device uses harmless light particles for real-time monitoring of newborn babies' brains

Protein-coding gene may worsen tau protein tangles associated with Alzheimer's

Brain activity may play role in ‘broken heart syndrome’

No increase in brain health problems in middle age for men who played football in high school

Fluoxetine (Prozac) performs strongly in vitro against SARS-CoV-2 (including mutants)

Mum tells how eye test revealed a tumour the size of a lemon in son's brain

How grief rewires the brain and can affect health—and what to do about it

Noisy brain activity contributes to aging-related navigation impairments