Tag: can

Covid can infect cells of inner ear and may lead to hearing loss

Ask a pediatrician: How can parents best support their children during the pandemic?

Can you run while pregnant?

What exercise can help you sleep better

Rapid intervention can contain multidrug-resistant Candida auris

How GMO Foods Can Affect Your Hormone Levels

COVID can worsen quickly at home: When to call an ambulance

Can damaged hearts heal themselves?

Can Dreams Help Predict The Future?

DR PHILIPPA KAYE: How YOU can help the NHS weather the winter storm

Consuming millets can reduce risk of developing cardiovascular disease

Schools can reopen safely: An epidemiologist weighs in

Human sperm mutations that can cause disease in children identified

How a simple blood test can identify women at risk for preterm birth

Wastewater genomic testing can effectively track COVID-19 variants of concern

Western high-fat diet can cause chronic pain, according to research team

Childhood trauma can make people like morphine more

Ask the Pediatrician: How can we make sure our baby is getting proper nutrition when we’re low on money?

Can COVID-19 stress cause dandruff? Here's everything you need to know

How staring at screens can affect your vision

Simple protocol can improve medicinal treatment for opioid addiction

Good bacteria can temper chemotherapy side effects

How can I treat itchy warts? Dr MARTIN SCURR answers

Epigenetic mechanism can explain how chemicals in plastic may cause lower IQ levels

Can Whitening Treatments Damage Your Teeth?

How summer camps can shield your kids from allergies, asthma & COVID

How Schools Can Help Kids Heal After the Pandemic’s Uncertainty

New saliva oral and throat cancer diagnosis test receives FDA approval