Tag: causes

Stomach bloating: When is bloating a sign of bowel cancer? What you need to know

High blood pressure treatment: Garlic shown to rival drugs with fewer side effects

Scientists discover how COVID-19 virus causes multiple organ failure in mice

Chronic inflammation causes a reduction in NAD+

Heart attack symptoms: Feeling overfull is a deceptive warning sign – what to look for

Dog in Georgia tests positive for virus that causes COVID-19

Stomach bloating: What alcoholic drinks to avoid if you want to beat the bloat

Gene that causes atrial fibrillation discovered

Rare syndrome causes man’s eye to 'glow'

Stomach bloating: When bloating could be a sign of something serious

Researchers examine causes, effects, treatments for alcohol use disorder

Simon Cowell health: ‘It was a huge shock’ – music mogul on his health scare – symptoms

Stomach bloating: One underlying cause you may not know about – here’s how to treat it

Lower back pain: This traditional technique could improve your symptoms reveals new study

Back pain: One overlooked risk factor that can make your symptoms worse

Florida health officials say mosquito-borne virus that causes brain swelling, death detected in state

High blood pressure: Five ways to reduce your daily salt intake

High blood pressure: One surprising activity that may raise your reading – Are you at ris

Discovery of new genetic causes of male infertility

Thin blood: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Gastric bypass surgery causes type 2 diabetes to go into remission in most patients

Hepatitis C in females: Symptoms, causes, and treatment

Time doesn’t heal all wounds: How DNA damage as we age causes cancer

Crohn’s mouth ulcers: Symptoms, causes, and treatments

Researchers trying to fathom the causes of fibromyalgia

Zika virus study reveals possible causes of brain pathology

UTI in seniors: Symptoms, causes, and dementia

Shingles on the face: Symptoms, treatment, and causes