Tag: Diseases and Conditions

WHO: Europe has surpassed 1 million COVID-19 deaths

More than a dozen states to open vaccines to all adults

NYC strip clubs sue New York state over COVID shutdown

Experts: Virus surge in Europe a cautionary tale for US

Health panel expands lung cancer screening for more smokers

Countries call on drug companies to share vaccine know-how

Big data, bench science suggests drug may slow Parkinson’s progression in people: Drug used to treat enlarged prostate appears to improve Parkinson’s symptoms in experimental models and human database analysis

Sudan says cholera outbreak kills 7, dozens infected

New way to target cancer’s diversity and evolution: Scientists reveal 3D structure of crucial molecule involved in mixing and matching genetic information within cells

Same but different: Unique cancer traits key to targeted therapies

Patients diagnosed with cancer after skipping appointment more likely to die within a year

When physicians integrate with hospitals, costs go up

Elusive key to stopping neglected tropical diseases: Path to realizing a decades-old dream

MDM2 counteracts resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors for melanoma therapy

Up to half of patients withhold life-threatening issues from doctors

Osteoporosis drugs linked to reduced risk of premature death

Alzheimer’s disease destroys neurons that keep us awake: Study suggests Tau tangles, not amyloid plaques, drive daytime napping that precedes dementia

New ‘liquid biopsy’ blood test improves breast cancer diagnostics: Test could help avoid unnecessary surgeries; enable physicians to continuously monitor cancer

Sleep interrupted: What’s keeping us up at night?

A wearable device so thin and soft you won’t even notice it: Device also can serve as robotic skin, relaying information back to the user

Waist size is a forgotten factor in defining obesity: Waist size is just as important as BMI in defining obesity-related health risks

Protein-gene interactions involved in Alzheimer’s disease

Gene linked to severe liver damage: Expression of AEBP1 correlates with severity of liver fibrosis; may provide therapeutic target

Even in svelte adults, cutting about 300 calories daily protects the heart: Researchers seeking a signal in metabolism or a ‘magic molecule’ to explain this

Physical evidence in the brain for types of schizophrenia: Findings suggest a form of schizophrenia has more in common with neurodegenerative diseases than previously thought

Chronic conditions — not infectious diseases — are top 5 causes of early death in China

Measles vaccination linked to health and schooling benefits

Lower risk of Type 1 diabetes seen in children vaccinated against ‘stomach flu’ virus