Tag: loss

Signs your child might have hearing loss

Wrinkles and hair loss reversed in mice

Biologists discover how pancreatic tumors lead to weight loss

Would YOU try the 16:8 diet? It boosts weight loss after just 12 weeks

Daily fasting works for weight loss

Portable music player use linked to hearing loss in children

Psychiatric disorders shouldn’t disqualify youth with severe obesity from weight loss surgery

Simple treatment may minimize hearing loss triggered by loud noises

Pattern hair loss could be due to gut bacteria

Decellularized muscle grafts support skeletal muscle regeneration to treat tissue loss

Weight loss surgery may cause significant skeletal health problems

Remote microphone system helps increase vocabulary of children with hearing loss

Pilot study shows simple dietary changes can lead to modest weight loss

Research explains link between exercise and appetite loss

Losing wealth, health and life: how financial loss can have catastrophic effects

Children with hearing loss face more bullying