A serious mental disorder in one’s youth can have a lasting impact on employment prospects 08/21/2019 Health News
Language-savvy parents improve their children’s reading development, study shows: The researchers found that adults with higher reading-related knowledge are likelier to provide positive feedback, which helps the learning process 06/14/2019 Health News
As genetic data expand, researchers urge caution in how predictors of education outcomes are used 02/21/2019 Health News
On-again, off-again relationships might be toxic for mental health: On-off relationships are associated with higher rates of abuse, poorer communication and lower levels of commitment 08/24/2018 Health News
Lifetime sentence: Incarcerated parents impact youth behavior: Unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, sex and alcohol abuse 07/09/2018 Health News
Safety measures could save 250,000 lives a year in low- and middle-income countries: Peer review identifies most effective injury interventions covering 84 countries 04/21/2018 Health News
Effective school-based cavity prevention program: Both programs compared prevented cavities, but one combining techniques linked with less decay 04/16/2018 Health News
Out-of-pocket expenses for chronic heart disease care inflict heavy financial burdens for low-income families; even those with insurance 04/06/2018 Health News