Birds categorize colors just like humans do: Zebra finches perceive only red or orange, even when the truth falls somewhere in between 08/03/2018 Health News
Owls see as humans do: Humans and birds may be more similar than previously thought 07/05/2018 Health News
Neuroscientists uncover secret to intelligence in parrots: Study shows evidence of convergence in bird and primate evolution 07/04/2018 Health News
Why popcorn tastes better when you eat it with chopsticks: Study: Being unconventional makes experiences feel brand new 06/27/2018 Health News
One thing you’ll find in the obits of many long-living people: Religious affiliation linked to nearly 4-year longevity boost 06/17/2018 Health News
Details that look sharp to people may be blurry to their pets: Humans see the world in higher resolution than most animals 05/31/2018 Health News
Escalation of competition leads to conflict in competitive networks of F1 drivers 04/25/2018 Health News
Sexual objectification influences visual perception: Objectification of individual results in object-like fashion visual exploration 04/15/2018 Health News
Animal images used in marketing may skew public perception about their survival risks 04/13/2018 Health News
Why expressive brows might have mattered in human evolution: Research to raise a few eyebrows: Why expressive brows might have mattered in human evolution 04/09/2018 Health News