6 Women With Natural Pubic Hair Share the Reasons They'll Never Go Bare Again 09/20/2018 Health Problems
Ketogenic diet reduces body fat in women with ovarian or endometrial cancer 09/19/2018 Health Problems
Injuries associated with infant walkers still sending children to the emergency department 09/17/2018 Kids Health
Researchers correlate spinal muscular atrophy disease expression with haplotypes 09/07/2018 Personal Health
Study provides 10-year risk estimates for dementia, which may help with prevention in high-risk individuals 09/04/2018 Health Problems
Similar changes in the brains of patients with ADHD and emotional instability 08/31/2018 Health Problems
Bleeding in patients treated with anticoagulants should stimulate search for cancer 08/26/2018 Health Problems
Living close to urban green spaces is associated with decreased breast cancer risk 08/22/2018 Health Problems
Children with brain tumors who undergo radiation less likely to recall recent events 08/21/2018 Health Problems
There’s no place like home—study finds home care effective for patients with blood clots 08/16/2018 Health Problems
With a detailed cell atlas of the mouse brain, scientists gain a new view into the brain’s diversity 08/10/2018 Health Problems
New UK research links even low levels of air pollution with serious changes in the heart 08/03/2018 Health Problems