Tag: Alcoholism

Marijuana use increases, shifts away from illegal market

Dangerous alcohol Trend: binge drinking in young adults has increased

Ben Affleck Opens Up About Alcoholism & Jennifer Garner

Worrisome statistics around medical cannabis users operating vehicles: More public education and guidelines are needed to increase marijuana users’ understanding of cannabis-related driving impairment

Improved treatment for alcohol use disorders, chronic pain, mood disorders: Purdue-patented technology shown to have fewer side effects than conventional therapeutics

Cutting societal alcohol use may prevent alcohol disorders developing

Pedestrian fatalities increase on Halloween, particularly among children

The long-term effects of alcohol demand on retail alcohol markets

Why the effects of a boozy binge could last longer than you think

Drug makes rats less likely to imbibe alcohol

Why popcorn tastes better when you eat it with chopsticks: Study: Being unconventional makes experiences feel brand new