Tag: breast

Breast milk analyses show new opportunities for reducing risk of childhood obesity

Carrie Underwood Pumps Breast Milk in Quite the Glam Locale

New evidence about why clear margins in breast cancer surgery are such good news

FDA takes new look at breast implant safety

Deaths from breast cancer in Europe set to drop by 9% in five years

One-Third of PCPs Discuss Breast Cancer Treatments With Patients

Breast cancer: Cut down on alcohol to lower risk

Many women get unnecessary mammograms before breast reduction surgery

How fast can breast cancer spread in 1 year?

At Risk for Breast Cancer? Your Race Matters

Acupressure relieves long-term symptoms of breast cancer treatment, study finds

Breast cancer drug given to thousands affects brain function

Three breast cancer relapse tests recommended for NHS use

Breast cancer drug could create chink in the armour of pancreatic cancer

Black breast cancer patients have worse outcomes than whites, despite similar treatments

England’s breast screening programme is running on ‘ageing’ IT systems

New option for women with advanced breast cancer resistant to hormone therapy

New therapeutic strategy for treating a very aggressive form of breast cancer

Future breast imaging and biopsy are not eliminated after mastectomy

Greater diagnostic certainty in choosing the right treatment for breast cancer

Aggressive breast cancer cells hijack natural stress protector to thrive

Patients Want Breast Cancer Costs Upfront

Milk straight from breast best for baby’s weight

Testing fluorescent tracers used to help surgeons determine edges of breast cancer tumors

Do low vitamin D levels increase breast cancer risk?

Fox Business’ Gerri Willis leads fight against breast cancer at Susan G. Komen Greater NYC Race for the Cure

Scientists develop new way to identify telltale markers for breast cancer tumors

Researchers identify a potential new approach to treat HER2 positive breast cancer