Tag: for

Searching for a nursing home and don’t know where to turn?

Herbal treatment for anxiety

A better clot-buster drug for strokes?

Breast cancer genes a real risk for men, too

AAN: Cerliponase alfa beneficial for form of Batten’s disease

Targeting telomerase as therapeutic strategy for melanoma

Lab-on-a-chip delivers critical immunity data for vulnerable populations

SCAI releases consensus guidelines for PVD device selection

Guidelines developed for use of drugs in multiple sclerosis

Serlopitant found to be safe, effective for chronic pruritus

Scientists develop a new model for glioblastoma using gene-edited organoids

Early treatment for leg ulcers gets patients back on their feet

Ketamine, notorious club drug, shows promise as a treatment for depression, studies indicate

Late, but not too late—screening for olfactory dysfunction

New strategies for hospitals during mass casualty incidents

Ramped up fight-or-flight response points to history of warfare for humans and chimps

Clinical trial tests tattoo sensor as needleless glucose monitor for diabetes patients

Artificial pancreas is a safe and effective treatment for type 1 diabetes

Gene therapy for beta-thalassemia safe, effective in people

Polypharmacy more likely for cancer survivors

Spouses can boost early detection for melanoma patients

Digital monitoring checks for possible malnutrition in hospital patients

Step forward to finding treatment for most common genetic cause of infant death

For aggressive breast cancer in the brain, researchers clarify immune response

New clues point to relief for chronic itching

Study shows potential cost savings for early detection and treatment of type 2 diabetes

Researchers find promising treatment strategy for stage 1-3 NSCL cancer patients

Study shows fast-acting benefits of ketamine for depression and suicidality