Tag: Malaria

Six antibody features could be used to identify women at risk of placental malaria

Human mobility in the Amazon ‘pushes malaria to cities’

New malaria transmission patterns emerge in Africa

Editing mosquito’s gene wards off malaria and halts reproduction

Could a forgotten Nazi version of an insecticide help fight malaria?

Trapping female mosquitoes helps curb chikungunya virus

Latest Cochrane review looks at pyrethroid-PBO nets for preventing malaria in Africa

Sniffer dogs could detect malaria in people

Drug-laced mosquito net may help prevent malaria

Research reveals defence against malaria parasites

New evidence supports radical treatment of widespread form of malaria

Free malaria tests coupled with diagnosis-dependent vouchers for over-the-counter malaria treatment

Researchers identify target for novel malaria vaccine

A well-known animal health drug could stop outbreaks of malaria and Zika virus

Combining different malaria vaccines could reduce cases by 91 percent

Small children and pregnant women may be underdosed in current malaria regimen

This tropical disease is second only to malaria as a parasitic killer. So why haven’t you heard of it?

Malaria-causing parasite manipulates liver cells to survive: Discovery could lead to new treatments before symptoms appear

Major enhancement to in vitro testing of human liver-stage malaria

Insecticide resistance in a major malaria vector

New research: High risk of malaria transmission after blood transfusions in sub-Saharan Africa

Temperature affects insecticide efficacy against malaria vectors

Temperature affects insecticide efficacy against malaria vectors: A study underlines the need to evaluate these chemicals under real field conditions