Tag: may

Chemotherapy prior to surgery may help outcomes for patients with pancreatic cancer

Maintaining heart health may protect against cognitive decline

The brain may be a new therapeutic target for improving breathing following lung injury in COVID-19

Certain diabetes drugs may protect against serious kidney problems

Arthritis drug trial may only help critically iil coronavirus patients

Bundled rapid HIV/Hep C testing may improve infection awareness

Recovery from coronavirus may not confer immunity, warn experts

Alzheimer’s patients may need dosing changes in medicines prescribed for other conditions

Antibiotics in first year of life may up risk for T1DM by age 10

If Your Partner Is Constantly Criticizing You, That's A Wake-Up Call That You May Be In A Toxic Marriage

Hundreds of U.S. coronavirus cases may have slipped through screenings

New study may lead to fewer hysterectomies in women with uterine fibroid tumors

Virtual reality may be the next frontier in remote mental healthcare

Smoking may leave a legacy of increased pain, even after quitting

Nurse certification may promote evidence-based practice in ICU

Family learns BRCA test results may be wrong after 7 women had surgery

Fasting diets may add years to your life as well as help you lose weight, new study suggests

Season of birth may be linked to risk of heart death

Vaping may have similar effects to smoking on harmful lung bacteria

Holding loved one's hand may be as good as a painkiller

Severe pregnancy-related depression may be rooted in inflammation

Genetic variation in individual brain cell types may predict disease risk

After decades of little progress, researchers may be catching up to sepsis

Occupational use of disinfectants may up risk for developing COPD

Short-term probiotics regimen may help treat gout, kidney disease

Aspirin may prevent air pollution harms

Radiation for head and neck cancer may cause problems years later

Hysterectomy and mesh support may have similar outcomes in repairing vaginal prolapse