Tag: New

New drug target to combat prostate cancer

Overweight people prefer clothes of certain colours and patterns

New parts of the brain become active after students learn physics

Risk of preterm birth reliably predicted by new test

New type of vertigo identified

New anti-ALS drug receives Orphan Drug designation

Junk food ads trigger extra calorie intake in UK teens, new study says

Study demonstrates new treatment for severe asthma

New brain development disorder identified by scientists

One year’s losses for child sexual abuse in US top $9 billion, new study suggests

Congo says three new Ebola cases confirmed in large city

New strategy to cure chronic hepatitis B infection

New genes found that determine how the heart responds to exercise

New Zealand’s secret recipe for active school travel: The neighborhood built environment

New study sheds light on brain’s ability to orchestrate movement

New tool predicts eye, hair and skin color from a DNA sample of an unidentified individual

Scientists uncover a new face of a famous protein, SWI2/SNF2 ATPase

Babies and pets – a guide for new parents

The shocking truth about the new ‘wonder jab’ for high cholesterol

Experts have new advice on prostate cancer screening. Here’s why they put it back on the table

New CAR T case study shows promise in acute myeloid leukemia

New study provides insight into blood signatures of inflammation

A new mechanism for neurodegeneration in a form of dementia

A new approach to patient safety proactively addresses common health care system successes

New pulmonary hypertension treatment target in the bull’s-eye

New device could mean end of the jab for people living with diabetes

New study links strong pupillary light reflex in infancy to later autism diagnosis

Unexpected discovery gives new model for studying brain networks